Zum Hauptinhalt
Joint use - exclusively for Japan
Joint use - exclusively for Japan

Giorgio Armani S.p.A. and the department store in which you have purchased (Department Store), as identified in your receipt, process customers personal data as joint users in application of Article 23, item 3, par. 5, of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI). For the purpose of this section, "Department Store" refers only to the Department Store in which you have purchased and does not include any other stores belonging to the same department store chain (if any).  

In line with the requirements of the APPI, the Department Store informs the customers of the Giorgio Armani Store within the Department Store that it processes their personal data, such as name, surname, contact details for the following purposes: (i) to include them in the Department Store customers database; (ii) to send them marketing communications, including offers and promotions.

The person responsible for management of the personal data for the Department Store is the Store Manager of the Department Store, whose contact details you can request by contacting the Department Store

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